Front row left to right: Donna Dyer (Director of Community Relations), Carol Birchall, Jamie Von Tungeln, Rodney Knowles and Debra Denwalt. Back row left to right: Karen Sneary, Jeff Koos, Brad Gore, Dan Hogan, Mati Branum, and Tara Dew. (Not pictured are Bo Jett, Nikki Pruitt, Paul Roach and Nancy Walker).

Our Board is made up of local volunteers from all walks of life and professions! Despite our diverse backgrounds, we have one singular focus – helping families with children in our community. 

Our History

In 1999, El Reno Blessing Baskets was established by church, community and social service leaders. The dreams of these founders were not only to provide the needs of people at Christmas but also at other times of the year. This dream blossomed with the growth of the Families with Summer Food Program and the School Supply Program. To learn more about our programs, visit About Us

Our Focus

Our organization serves over 2,500 western Canadian County residents each year through the food and other tangible items we provide. 

Our Volunteers

We could not accomplish this level of service without the commitment and long hours of our volunteers! If you would like to volunteer, visit Volunteer

Financial Supporters

We also could not operate without financial support. Our community, United Way, the Mary K Ashbrook Foundation and other partners and grantors enable us to buy the food and provide the grocery vouchers and other essential items distributed year after year. If you would like to donate, visit  Donate

Our Goal

As the Board we look forward to each year with open eyes, ears and hearts with one goal: to better serve the community’s families and children.